It's time for Part 2 of our Year in Review. See yesterday's post for projects #10-#6!
We're counting down the crafty posts most viewed by YOU this year at Grits & Giggles. Let's get back to business at number 5!
Oh, how I love this little shirt. Like most kids holiday shirts, Gray only got to wear it a couple of times before Christmas, but it was cute when she did! I hate the idea of paying lots of money (I'm pretty cheap) on a shirt or dress that she can wear I used some scrap fabric and a plain white tee to make her this little number.
This is another one of my absolute Seersucker Anthropologie Knock-Off. This is The. Most. Comfortable. dress on the planet. The sheering in the back with the ties on top make it super easy to wear and the seersucker means it is weightless. I made another one for the tutorial, but this is still my favorite.
I was on a real dress kick this summer. I made this dress as part of a sew-along at KojoDesigns. I wore it to several events this year including a football game and a wedding about multi-functional!'s super comfortable too.
What can I say...I love this wreath. The bows, tulle, all makes me happy and it really dressed up our door during October!
And the Number One, most viewed project this year was......
(Drumroll Please.....)
The Scrapbook Coasters Tutorial!!!!
This post alone received more than TWICE the number of hits of any other post on the entire blog. That's HUGE for one little project!
I think I have pinterest to thank for this one. SOOOOO many of you and others have pinned this to your DIY boards.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for visiting with me each day, reading, commenting and most of all, crafting!
I'll see you Next Year