Friday, March 2, 2012

Pattern Naming

I've never really thought about pattern naming. Honestly, I've never really thought about patterns. I only learned to sew less than a year ago (Thanks Granny!!) and have fallen Waaaaay head-over-heels in love with creating on my sewing machine. If you had asked me this time last year if I would be making digital sewing patterns I would have (politely) laughed in your face.

I don't even sew with patterns because I can never get the right fit. I've tried a few times, and had a couple of successes, but mostly failures. I'm more of a "cut the fabric and see what happens" kind of girl. This probably isn't the most practical, but it works for me.

Back to naming patterns. Coming up with the patterns, or finished piece, is the easy part. You see a vision in your head of something you want to make, you make it, then you make it again and again and again until you come up with a usable pattern. Naming is the tricky part. A lot of the items currently in my SHOP are named after what color they are, or what they remind me of. There are a lot of food names, mostly because that's something I think about a

Now that I'm making more bags, and more bag patterns (coming soon!!!) I've been trying to think of names for all of them. After all of the time and love that goes into making them, I think they should have a personal name. The Carolina Breeze Bag got its name from our many beach trips, and me wanting a super-light and medium sized bag to carry with me.

The two new bags I'm working on need "people" names. I'm considering starting to go through my list of girlfriends, see who the bags remind me of and use their names. Hopefully they won't mind. I think they're both girly and pretty, so they should be fitting.

I'm hoping Gray plays sweetly and is on her best behavior this weekend so that lots of work can get done. If not...I'll take a Mommy-daughter-play-day anytime!!

1 comment:

  1. It's crazy how addicting sewing is! After having a sewing machine for 6+ years and never doing more than taking it out of the box, I can't believe I'm finally learning. So fun! Can't wait to see your other patterns.


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