Monday, May 7, 2012

The Cousins Photoshoot

Secrets, Secrets, and more Secrets.
That's what it took to pull of this photoshoot!

We wanted to do something special for my Granny for Mother's Day this year. The last "professional", non-snapshot picture of her 4 grandkids was taken in 2002. YIKES! Needless to say, we all look pretty young and awkward, and have changed a lot since then.

We decided to get the 4 grandkids, their significant others, and Gray, the only great-grandchild for now, together to take her a NEW picture to hang on the wall. Aaaand, we wanted it to be a secret for her, and our own mothers, so they could get some pictures too!

I know what you're thinking...
there's only 4 of you, how hard could that be??
Seemingly impossible. That's how hard.

After lots and lots of debating and scheduling, we finally found a day that all 9 of us were free for a couple of hours. With me working 3rd shift, two in the food service industry, 1 working weekends, two teachers, and 2 working for the state....we have schedules like no other family.

All of that aside...we met...we smiled....we conquered.

I have new love for a tripod. I now know a shutter remote would have been a good idea...but running back and forth was fun too.

It was so beautiful outside, and the university we took pictures at was out for the day, so NO traffic!
Here's the 4 "Grandkids" in brother-sister pairs. The redhead belongs to ME!!
Here's all of the girls minus Gray. You notice she is in NO pictures. The one day she doesn't like a camera...and it had to be this day.
My favorites...the couples pictures....

Me and Hubby

Adam and Kaileigh

Aprile and George
Alan and Merebeth
We took some fun pictures too....

And I got to play around with photo editing...

A picture of Gray!! Flying with her invisible microphone...

There's a whole lotta love in this family.
"Cousins are childhood playmates,
who grow up to be forever friends"


  1. It's nice you have that kind of relationship with your cousins. I haven't seen mine in years. The pictures are beautiful!

    1. Years?? Oh my! If we go more than two weeks witout seeing one "couple", something is wrong! I can't imagine not being with them.


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