Saturday, June 30, 2012


Last week was my most favoritest cousin's 25th birthday!

 Not only did we get to celebrate him, but we got to spend some good times with friends and family at a surprise cookout in his honor.

Alan and "Uncle Butch" (AKA-Deddy) are quite the pair.

There was lots of grilling to be done to feed everyone.

In the midst of the College World Series....we had to have a little bit of anti-USC sentiment.

"Paddle Faster....I hear Gamecocks!"

I think our food was trying to tell us something....

No summer party is complete without a friendly game of cornhole.

Gray thinks this is a perfect game for her. She likes to use the boards as a runway to throw the beanbags in!

Once the game was in full swing...she had to watch from the sidelines.

It was a great party with good food and family.
The next birthday will be MY baby girl's!!
 I'm in full-on denial that she'll be 2.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I Made This #11

Welcome to
{I Made This}

Grits & Giggles


I'm so glad you're here!

There were some awesome projects linked up last week and I can't wait to see what YOU have been up to this week.

Here is the most viewed link from last week...

The patriotic wreath from Debbie Dabble

Link up your projects, new or old!
We love to see sewing, DIY, cooking, printables, and photography!

Follow along with Grits & Giggles so you don't miss the party!

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Where have I been???

Everywhere but home...that's where I've been! Sorry I've been so absent lately. The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of crazy, and has left little time for me to sit at the computer and write.

We are doing a semi-major renovation at the house and it's consuming most of our days! Between buying supplies, cleaning, keeping baby girl out of the way, and all the other running around of life, it feels like we haven't really been home.

And with me working 3rd, and needing SOME sleep, I've been crashing at my parent's house to get some good sleep.

Like a genius....someone didn't take any before pictures. Poor Hubby, he tried for me at least when I remembered at the last minute. But I left the camera card out of the camera. So imagine this used to be a screened in porch.

We never used the porch because it wasn't sealed well, so it was full of leaves, pollen, bugs, and yuck. We decided to get more usable space, it was time to close it in. We are creating....

The Grown-Up Lounge
 No toys allowed

It will be a nice sized room, with room for my sewing machine, our computer, and a couch and TV set up. Perfect for quiet relaxation with no risk of waking a perfectly sleeping baby.

This, crafty friends, will be my sewing corner! Right now my sewing machine is in the back corner of a dark, poorly lit bedroom. Now I have windows. Natural light! AHHHHHH!

And because one room isn't crazy enough, we're redoing the bathroom too. It's at the OTHER end of our bedroom, so we're squeezed in the middle.

New tile, vanity and toilet are coming our way.

Green?? Floral wallpaper??? Ewwwww. It's time for some paint.

No more blue peel-and-stick tile.
I love this tile and can't wait for it to be finished.

We still have a long way to go after the builder leaves. Lots of painting, reorganizing, and getting the rooms back to normal is in the plans for us.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I have finally gotten Instagram.

 I love seeing people's pictures they take, and the filters make the photos look so unique and fun.

Here are a few of my first pictures taken with Instagram. I like how easy it is to share on Facebook and Twitter, rather than uploading them separately each time!

Gray and I decided to me matchers at church. We will continue to be matchers until she says "No Mama!!"

My little diva. She's got her sweet ride and her sweet donut.

It looks like she's flying in this picture...when she is in fact, only going 2 miles per hour.

I think I'll enjoy Instagram.

You can follow along: GritsandGiggles

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Made This #10

Welcome to

{I Made This}

at Grits & Giggles


I'm so glad you're here!

There were some amazing projects linked up last week. I can't wait to see what YOU have been up to this week!

Link up your sewing, crafts, DIY, cooking, photography, and printables to show off to everyone.

Last week's most clicked link by a landslide....was
Creating Skinny Capris

Will YOU be the most viewed link next week??

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day

I want to wish a very Happy Father's Day to all of the Daddy's out there!!

There are two in particular that I want to celebrate...


And Grayson's...

We have the best Daddy's in the world!!

Grayson's Papa would do anything in the world for that baby girl...and me too! We are two very lucky girls.

Both of which are wrapped entirely around these tiny, tiny little fingers.

Wrapped...I tell you.  It started early...

Hubby takes care of his family, his girls, like nobody else.

And I'd say that Daddy is definitely Grayson's favorite.

Gray had a special "I Love You" message for her Daddy today....

I hope you're all having a wonderful day celebrating the strong and loving men in your life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Made This {9}

Welcome to
{I Made This}
at Grits & Giggles!


I'm so glad you're here. We had some amazing things linked up last week and I can't wait to see what YOU have been up to this week!

Link up your projects, food, DIY, photography, printables...old or new!

Follow along with Grits & Giggles {Thanks!}

Last week's most viewed link was....

The T-Shirt Shrug from Craft Room Confidential!

It's time to add your own projects...maybe YOU will be the most clicked link next week!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We had some wonderful projects linked up at last week's
{I Made This} Party!!

Thanks to everyone who linked up!

Here are a few of my favorites...

This library tote is adorable. I can't help but sing the words in my head...

This swim cover up is a GREAT Victoria's Secret look-alike.'s no sew!

My cloth diaper loving heart just loves this duo. You MUST check out her post to see something special inside the diaper!

Every week there is something cuter and cuter from the girls at Uncommon Designs! These beach cupcakes are no exception...

Grab a "Featured" button crafty friends!

Come back Wednesday night at 10:00pm to link up your favorite projects so we can see what YOU have been working on this week!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Southern Fabric

I would like to give a BIG welcome
 to our newest sponsor


Southern Fabric has one of the most beautiful collection of fabrics by the yard and precuts by your absolute favorite designers!!

Here are a couple of my favorite collections...

Aviary Saffron by Joel Dewberry

You will find your favorite fabrics by Moda, Westminster Fabrics, Freespirit, and Riley Blake!!

You will also find patterns for bags, clothing, and quilts to go with your new fabric.

Right now Southern Fabric is offering 10% off of your order using the code "tenpercent", through June 16th.
(excluding gift certificates and shipping)

You can also find them on
Twitter: @southernfabric
Facebook: Southern Fabric

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fruit on Safari Dress

Gray's birthday dress is finished! I know we still have a couple of months until the big day, but I couldn't help myself.

I used the Kaileigh Dress pattern....which is REVERSIBLE!

Which means, Gray has two new dresses to wear.

I couldn't help but name this dress....

The fruity side has a lattice patterned green border, and some seeds.

I added some funky pockets to the "Safari" side for her to stash her treasures.

To add the seeds to the dress (or ANY dress) I simply cut teardrop/seed shapes from black felt. I did 4 seeds per side.

Pin them to the fabric and stitch them on using a straight stitch.

She is, in fact, going to be a diva.

She was showing me the rocks she hid in her pockets.

I think she still wanted to have her pockets.
 No watermelon for this girl today!

The "Safari" side is for her birthday outfit. This dress is so stinking cute on her. She gets to wear it twice as much...just flip it over!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Made This {8}

Welcome to
{I Made This}
at Grits & Giggles

I'm so glad you're here!!

We had some wonderful projects linked up last week and I can't wait to see what YOU have been up to this week.

Last week's most clicked link was....

The Skirt-to-Top at Mandy Made

Link up anything you want to show off... Projects, DIY, Sewing, giveaways, etc. Old or new projects are welcome.

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{I Made This} Features

We had some amazing projects linked up last week!

Here are a few of my favorites....

The teal chevron in this tray is sooo pretty!

I love how the crocheted flowers on this dress add color AND texture.

How girly is this skirt??  These ruffles are adorable.

I almost squeeled when I saw this! What a transformation!!
Blue, bootcut jeans to PINK skinnies!!

Come back tonight at 10:00pm to start this weeks party!!

Will the most clicked link from last week be YOU?

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