Monday, June 3, 2013


We had the privilege of going to Charleston to stay with a friend this past week. What made it more fun, was trading lodging for food. He let us stay in his house...and I cooked him supper every night! Not a bad trade if you ask me!
The weather was perfect, and our little family of 4 enjoyed spending time together in one of the most beautiful cities around.

We strolled downtown to the Battery to see the Pineapple Fountain.
Somehow, someway we got there when there was NOBODY there. I will never get another picture of this fountain with nobody in it again! Usually there are kids swimming in it.
The last time we took pictures at the fountain, Gray was almost 2, and looked a LOT different.

She, of course had to jump in the fountain back then. I was also barely pregnant with baby boy. A lot has changed in a year! Look at them now!

Of course, Hubby had to walk baby girl around in the water. She loves to splash!

We were able to spend a couple of days at the beach, relaxing and playing in the sand. It's not too relaxing when you have a toddler and infant with you, but seeing how happy Goldilocks was made it totally worth it.

Baby boy took his first dip in the Atlantic Ocean this time. The water was pretty chilly, but he didn't seem to mind. How cute are the bathing suits for tiny humans too!!

Before we left we were able to sneak in a quick family picture. It can be hard to remember to take pictures with everyone in them! I'm usually behind the camera, so its nice to sneak into a shot every now and then. 

Hubby took off one day with his friend to hit the high seas and catch some fish! They caught a few and brought home our supper. This dolphin was a beauty, and tasted great too. Baby girl was fascinated watching the guys clean the fish. She's really into cooking lately, so it made her happy to get to see the whole process, from the cooler to the grill, to our tummies.
I was super excited to go the beach and try out my Water Sling for the first time. Baby boy and I both loved it!! Luckily, Hubby got to go to the beach with us one day so he could take pictures of it.

I can't wait for us to go back when both babies are older. It just gets more fun seeing how they change each time we go!


  1. Love Charleston!! Am heading to Edisto in a few weeks and just can't wait. :) Loved the pineapple pics and your darlings are just that - DARLING! :)

  2. I love your pineapple fountain picture! It makes me miss home.

  3. Pineapple fountain? LOVE!!! (I confess to having a thing for pineapples... they make me smile)
    Your little sprouts are growing so quickly. Gray looks totally adorable - that swathe of golden curls is just adorable. You have two lovely treasures there - enjoy watching the changes. :)
    Sheree x0x


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