Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Closets: Reorganized

To keep up with "Project: Reorganize" I decided to work on my closets. I've already tackled my kitchen Here, Here, and Here.

I have one linen closet in my house. ONE. That's horrible people. Not to mention our ONE linen closet is not even a little bit organized. Towels aren't sorted, blankets, beach towels and sheet sets are shoved wherever they will fit. It's bad. It was time to do a little something about it.
 Here is the before picture of my dreaded closet..... 

The easiest way for me to clean anything is to completely take it apart....
so I did.
Everything in the closet ended up in the floor.
Everything got refolded.
Some old towels and blankets that had seen their better day (stained and gross) got thrown away.

And magically.... There was room in my closet!
I even ended up with an extra empty shelf. Now the baby towels and washcloths are out of the nursery, and in the linen closet...where they belong.

The biggest problem with my old closet was the sheet sets. I had several, but they were folded terribly and shoved onto the tiny shelves.
This is how I felt about folding sheet sets:
(from Pinterest...of course)


Isn't this how we all feel??
So to neaten things up...I folded my sheet sets, slowly and carefully, into the flattest rectangles I could manage...then shoved the sheets into one of the pillowcases! It's not package-perfect, but everything I need to make a bed is in that little pillowcase, on a shelf, right where I can see it. And no sheets come flying at me when I open the closet door anymore!
It only took 30 minutes to transform that little space into a usable one. Now....for the clothes closets. Yikes!

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