Sunday, April 29, 2012

Happy Blog-iversary!!!

I absolutely cannot believe that I have been blogging for a year.

I started writing my thoughts to get them out of my head, because Hubby was asleep when I would get home while working 2nd shift. Gray was also asleep, but I could always count on her for a couple of reunions a night. She didn't sleep through the night until she was almost a year old. I could never sleep knowing she would wake up soon, so I was a zombie most nights and days for a very long time.

Here is a repost of that very first post....


What a day....

Today was a horrible day at work. Sometimes I think about the movie "John Q" and how nice it must have been at that hospital for the doors to be closed for a small period of time with nobody coming inside. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, and love the madness of working at the hospital, but sometimes it can be too much! But it's over now, and I get a few hours at home before I get to go do it all over again. At least I have this weekend off.

As I sit here at 2:00am I realize that I should probably be in bed. I have come home from work, done a load of laundry, sewn my baby girl a new top and a new pair of jeans (the top matches one I made for me. Don't tell her!), and now I'm browsing around on the computer. A little part of me says to go to bed, because I'm tired and have to work again tomorrow. Another part of me says that Grayson will wake up soon and want to be fed, so I might as well stay up. Which side of my brain should I listen to?

She slept through the night last night, which has only happened three times in her almost 9 months of existence. It was nice, I must say, but I don't wanna get used to it too soon. Our routine of having no routine has worked for us so far, so why mess it up now. Mama makes a great zombie after all.
Who knew that after a year of blogging, I would  have over 500 followers, and LOTS of readers and followers on other sites.
My projects have been featured on some *AMAZING* sites such as U-Create, Kojo-Designs, Tatertots and Jello, and Craft Gossip to name a few.
I LOVE sharing crafts, sewing, cloth diapering, and other mommy things with all of you, and I adore reading all of your sweet comments on posts.
Stay tuned...because tomorrow there might just be a *GIVEAWAY* 
to celebrate our little Blog-iversary.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. Can't wait to see what the next year brings you and what fun things you come up with!


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