Monday, November 17, 2014

The NON-emergency Car Kit

Lots of us have emergency kits, or at least first aid kits in our car, diaper bag, or purse. If nothing else we have a cell phone for emergencies.

But what about those little things that AREN'T emergencies, but are annoying when they happen? Soon after having baby boy, my baby brain made me forget lots of things. There were certain items I always found myself reaching for, but didn't have.

So....the non-emergency car kit was born. And it has been USED!!

My kit only has six items, but these items have proved to be necessities multiple times. Your kit can contain whatever you like, but here is what we reach for the most at our house.

My 6 Items:

Hand Sanitizer
Pain Reliever
Dental Floss
Tide Stain Pen
(zippered bag)

These are the items (especially the sunscreen!!) that we often leave at home, or don't need until we NEED it. I keep this kit in my console at all times, and restock when necessary.

What would you put in your non-emergency car kit?


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