I cannot believe I forgot to post football pictures last winter. I always do a football recap and it totally slipped my mind! I know I have lots of CLEMSON fans reading, so I love hearing about their games and tailgates, and sharing mine.
Some games were super cold (The Carolina Game!!), but with blankets and our gas heater, the tailgate was still toasty.
Before the Ga. State Purple out game. Somehow in her closet of pink, Goldilocks doesn't own any purple!!
Oh how I love this picture. Gray could not look more like my Mama.
Yay for family pictures! We're all smiling because this was after our WIN against USC. Such a good day.
Girl shot!
You know you shop the same places when you don't even kind of plan to match...and match perfectly with your sister-in-law.
Two of my favorite people in the whole world.
And my first true love...I have two more boys I love now...but he was my first!
Baby boy's favorite thing is football...and it makes Papa proud!
And of course...makes Daddy proud too.
We have so much fun at our tailgate and at the games. It's a family tradition that I hope we can continue for years to come.